Nebula 1
Nebula One.iso
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Text File
2,954 lines
* Generated by class-dump.
* class-dump is Copyright 1992 by Eric P. Scott. All rights reserved.
* Freely redistributable; noncommercial usage permitted.
* No part of this software may be incorporated into any product
* sold for profit without the express permission of the copyright
* holder.
/* Edited extensively by Carl Edman */
#import <appkit/appkit.h>
#import "NXUndocumented.h"
struct unknown1
struct unknown *structp1;
unsigned int int1;
unsigned int int2;
void *voidp1;
void *voidp2;
struct unknown2
long long1;
long long2;
long long3;
unsigned int uint1;
short short1;
BOOL bool1;
BOOL bool2;
BOOL bool3;
long long4;
int int1;
unsigned int uint2;
struct unknown4
int int1;
int int2;
char chara1[1];
struct unknown5
int int1;
int int2;
struct unknown6
char *charp1;
int int1;
char *charp2;
id id1;
BOOL bool1;
struct unknown7
char *charp1;
int int1;
char *charp2;
char *charp3;
struct _MimeTypeMap *structp1;
struct unknown8
char *char1;
id id1;
int int1;
char **char2;
short short1;
struct unknownx
int flag1:1;
int flag2:1;
int flag3:1;
int flag4:1;
int flag5:1;
int flag6:1;
int flag7:1;
int unused:9;
} bit1;
union unknown9
int int1;
int bit1:7;
int bit2:1;
int bit3:8;
} struct1;
int bit1:8;
int bit2:8;
} struct2;
struct unknown0
short short1;
float float1;
struct eflagstruct
int canEdit:1;
int editDict:1;
int wrapMode:2;
int changeFont:1;
int keyBindings:1;
int respondsToIsRTF:1;
int consecutiveCut:1;
int quoteNext:1;
int expandAddresses:1;
int disablePrintPanel:1;
int lastWasExpand:1;
struct bflagstruct
int nonNext:1;
int iconAdded:1;
int textDidPaste:1;
int attachDir:1;
int updateFont:1;
int RESERVED:11;
struct mflagstruct
int read:1;
int attach:1;
int infoIndex:8;
int encrypt:1;
int deleted:1;
int mime:1;
int mark:1;
int pad:2;
struct mboxstatus
int msgno;
int msgsize;
int delmsgno;
int delmsgsize;
int unreadmsgno;
int unreadmsgsize;
struct hier_mailbox
char *string1;
BOOL char1;
struct hier_mailbox *hiermbox1;
struct hier_mailbox *hiermbox2;
struct rtf_state
BOOL bold;
BOOL italic;
BOOL underline;
int justification;
int font;
int fontSize;
struct MimeCoderMap
char *str1;
SEL sel1;
/* Classes from Mail.app */
@class Super, Recorder, Buffer, PageBuffer, MailHeaders, MimeParameters;
@class EditText, MediaText, CommandView, MailView, Toc, IconView, Alias;
@class AliasUI, Babel, BrowserFieldEditor, OneShot, DecryptController;
@class Defaults, EditDict, EKProgressView, EncryptAdmin, KeyCell, EncryptKey;
@class Error, FindPanel, FixedOpenPanel, IconButton, IconCell, Info, KeyView;
@class LipService, Message, MailBox, MailCell, CellInfo, SendView, Send;
@class MailDriver, MyApp, ImmutableImage, RunInfo, MimeFetcher, Preferences;
@class Progressor, PublishedKey, ScrollingSound, SendDemo, SendWindow;
@class SendOptions, SoundEdit, StringList, Subprocess, Timer, RectList;
@class TocMatrix, MailHeaderBinding, MailMessage, MailReader, TransferPanel;
@class WrapCell, MimeFilter, MimeMessage, MimeRichText, NextMessage;
@class RTFEnrichedConverter, RunCommand, MailListener, MailSpeaker;
@interface Super:Object
- getDefaultFor:fp16;
- (char *)nameFor:fp16;
- windowDidMove:sender;
- windowDidResize:sender;
@interface Recorder:Sound
char *lastFile;
- loadVoxFile:(char *)fp16;
- (int)asciiLength;
- (int)writeAscii:(NXStream *)fp16;
- init;
@interface Buffer:Object
void *data;
unsigned int length;
unsigned int maxlength;
unsigned int dataSize;
BOOL dontFree;
+ newDataSize:(unsigned int)fp16;
- copy:sender;
- setDontFree:(BOOL)fp16;
- free;
- growTo:(unsigned int)fp16;
- initDataSize:(unsigned int)fp16;
@interface PageBuffer:Object
char *data;
unsigned int length;
unsigned int maxlength;
BOOL dontFree;
- mapFile:(char *)fp16;
- setDontFree:(BOOL)fp16;
- free;
- (char *)data:(unsigned int)fp16;
@interface MailHeaders:Object
List *myHeaders;
id myDelegate;
+ (char *)fromSpaceUser;
+ (BOOL)enforcingFromSpaceLine;
+ (void)setForceFromSpaceLine:(BOOL)fp16;
- delegate;
- setDelegate:fp16;
- (void)setFromSpace:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)hasFromSpace;
- (void)replaceSelInText:fp16;
- (void)replaceSelWithKey:(char *)fp16 value:(char *)fp20 inText:fp24;
- (void)printForDebugger:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)writeToStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)writeHeaderKey:(char *)fp16 value:(char *)fp20 toStream:(NXStream *)fp24;
- (BOOL)readFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)hasKey:(char *)fp16;
- (void)removeKey:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)safeValueForKey:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)valueForKey:(char *)fp16;
- (void)setKey:(char *)fp16 valueNoCopy:(char *)fp20;
- (void)setKey:(char *)fp16 value:(char *)fp20;
- (int)indexOfKey:(char *)fp16;
- (void)removeKeyAt:(int)fp16;
- (void)addKey:(char *)fp16 valueNoCopy:(char *)fp20;
- (void)addKey:(char *)fp16 value:(char *)fp20;
- (void)insertKey:(char *)fp16 valueNoCopy:(char *)fp20 at:(int)fp24;
- (void)insertKey:(char *)fp16 value:(char *)fp20 at:(int)fp24;
- (void)setValueNoCopy:(char *)fp16 at:(int)fp20;
- (void)setValue:(char *)fp16 at:(int)fp20;
- (char *)valueAt:(int)fp16;
- (char *)keyAt:(int)fp16;
- (unsigned int)count;
- free;
- copy;
- initFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- init;
@interface MimeParameters:MailHeaders
@interface EditText:Text
Buffer *trash;
int charWidth;
int lineHeight;
float widthOfChar;
struct eflagstruct eFlags;
+ newFrame:(NXRect *)fp16 text:(char *)fp20 alignment:(int)fp24;
+ initialize;
- _setFont:fp16 paraStyle:(void *)fp20;
- setSelection:(int)fp16:(int)fp20;
- (void)setKeyBindings:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)canEdit;
- all:fp16;
- replaceFind:fp16;
- replace:fp16;
- backwardFind:fp16;
- find:fp16;
- enterSelection:fp16;
- backSame:fp16;
- findSame:fp16;
- showFindPanel:fp16;
- setWrapMode:(int)fp16;
- (int)wrapMode;
- match:fp16;
- moveCaret:(unsigned short)fp16;
- (char *)findText:(char *)fp16 ignoreCase:(BOOL)fp20 back:(BOOL)fp24;
- (char *)findRegExpr:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)findRegExpr:(char *)fp16 ignoreCase:(BOOL)fp20;
- becomeFirstResponder;
- simpleReplace:(char *)fp16:(int)fp20;
- paste:fp16;
- cut:fp16;
- clear:fp16;
- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)fp16;
- undo:fp16;
- trash;
- changeFont:fp16;
- setDelegate:fp16;
- _setPreviousText:fp16;
- selectText;
- sizeTo:(float)fp16:(float)fp20;
- setMarginLeft:(float)fp16 right:(float)fp20 top:(float)fp24 bottom:(float)fp28;
- setFont:fp16;
- setFastScan:fp16;
- fontChanged:fp16;
- getFont;
- (BOOL)didExpand;
- (BOOL)expand;
- (void)setExpandAddresses:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)shouldRunPrintPanel:fp16;
- (void)setEnablePrintPanel:(BOOL)fp16;
- free;
- initFrame:(NXRect *)fp16 text:(char *)fp20 alignment:(int)fp24;
@interface MediaText:EditText
int wasBlinking;
void *context;
int op;
struct bflagstruct bFlags;
id printingDelegate;
- (BOOL)knowsPagesFirst:(int *)fp16 last:(int *)fp20;
- (void)setPrintingDelegate:fp16;
- (BOOL)writeMailToPasteboard:fp16;
- make7Bit:fp16;
- (void)removeAttachments;
- writeLines:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (void)writeLines:(NXStream *)fp16 wrapAt:(int)fp20;
- getDefaultFont;
- becomeFirstResponder;
- (BOOL)isPlainText;
- alignSelRight:fp16;
- alignSelCenter:fp16;
- alignSelLeft:fp16;
- paste:fp16;
- readSelectionFromPasteboard:fp16;
- pasteWith:fp16;
- pasteAsciiFrom:fp16;
- copy:fp16;
- (BOOL)nonNext;
- selectText:fp16;
- acceptColor:(NXColor)fp16 atPoint:(NXPoint *)fp32;
- (BOOL)validateCommand:fp16;
- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)fp16;
@interface MediaText(MediaTextGraphic)
- removeImageNamed:(char *)fp16;
- (BOOL)shouldDelayWindowOrderingForEvent:(NXEvent *)fp16;
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse;
- openAttachment:(char *)fp16;
- convertDocument:fp16 path:(char *)fp20;
- (BOOL)attemptOverwrite:(char *)fp16;
- addImageFor:fp16 to:fp20 path:(char *)fp24;
- getImageForFile:(char *)fp16;
- stringForImage:fp16;
- addRtfd:fp16;
- convert:(NXStream *)fp16 outfile:(NXStream *)fp20 length:(int)fp24;
- emitToCR:(NXStream *)fp16 outfile:(NXStream *)fp20;
- emit:(char *)fp16 outfile:(NXStream *)fp20;
- emitFrom:(int)fp16 to:(int)fp20 infile:(NXStream *)fp24 outfile:(NXStream *)fp28;
- (BOOL)find:(char *)fp16 start:(int)fp20 end:(int)fp24 locs:(struct unknown5 *)fp28 inFile:(NXStream *)fp32;
- lightGray:fp16;
- darkGray:fp16;
- black:fp16;
- toggleRuler:fp16;
- pasteFont:fp16;
- pasteRuler:fp16;
- underline:fp16;
- unscript:fp16;
- superscript:fp16;
- subscript:fp16;
- changeFont:fp16;
- addFile:(char *)fp16 temp:(BOOL)fp20;
- addFileList:(char *)fp16 sender:fp20;
- addEncodedContents:(char *)fp16 sender:fp20;
- addSoundFile:(char *)fp16;
- checkSelection;
- addImport:(char *)fp16 sender:fp20;
- concludeDragOperation:fp16;
- draggedImage:fp16 endedAt:(NXPoint *)fp20 deposited:(BOOL)fp24;
- draggedImage:fp16 beganAt:(NXPoint *)fp20;
- (int)draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal:(BOOL)fp16;
@interface MediaText(MediaTextRead)
- runInfo;
- reset;
- writeRichText:(NXStream *)fp16 forRun:(NXRun *)fp20 atPosition:(int)fp24 emitDefaultRichText:(char *)fp28;
- saveRichText:(NXStream *)fp16;
- readRichText:(NXStream *)fp16;
- setDelegate:fp16;
- enumerateViews:(void (*)())fp16 data:(void *)fp20;
+ buildText:(NXRect *)fp16 delegate:fp20;
@interface MediaText(MediaTextWrite)
- writeWrapper:(char *)fp16 local:(char *)fp20 encrypt:(BOOL)fp24 sourceDir:(char *)fp28;
- writeToFile:(char *)fp16;
- (int)numViews;
- buildEncrTar:(char *)fp16 from:(char *)fp20 sourceDir:(char *)fp24;
- wrapEncrypt:(char *)fp16 to:(char *)fp20;
- buildArgList:(char *)fp16 in:fp20 local:(char *)fp24;
- copyFiles:(char **)fp16 local:(char *)fp20;
- (char **)buildTarArgs:fp16;
- freeTarArgs:(char **)fp16;
- openfiles:(char *)fp16 tarArglist:(char **)fp20;
- (void)tarError:(int)fp16;
- deleteTar:(char *)fp16;
@interface CommandView:View
NXImage *face;
NXImage *clockbase;
NXImage *clockstuff;
List *list;
struct tm date;
+ newFrame:(NXRect *)fp16;
- setTarget:fp16;
- setDate:(struct tm *)fp16;
- setFrom:(char *)fp16;
- drawSelf:(NXRect *)fp16:(int)fp20;
- performNext:fp16;
- performPrevious:fp16;
- performDelete:fp16;
- setController:fp16 font:fp20;
- free;
- initFrame:(NXRect *)fp16;
@interface MailView:NXSplitView
MediaText *text;
ScrollView *scroll;
TextField *statusField;
CommandView *command;
Font *msgFont;
NXRect textFrame;
int mode;
- emptyText:fp16;
- setFonts;
- windowDidResize:fp16;
- newTitle;
- clearText:(int)fp16;
- setText:(char *)fp16;
- text;
- command;
- getScroll;
- getTextObject;
- tryMatching:fp16;
- openPageLayout:fp16;
- fatal;
@interface Toc:Object
unsigned int length;
unsigned int maxlength;
struct unknown *data;
char *tocName;
FILE *tocFile;
Buffer *msgList;
BOOL loadAtStart;
BOOL hadError;
int mboxAccess;
Buffer *delMsgList;
BOOL needUpdate;
- (void)getMailboxStatus:(struct mboxstatus *)fp16;
- (BOOL)hadError;
- (BOOL)atStart;
- getMsgList;
- setCurMsg:(int)fp16;
- (int)undeleteMsg;
- deleteMessages:fp16;
- (int)selectedMsg;
- compactToc:fp16 maibox:fp20;
- fixTocHeader:fp16 maibox:fp20;
- compactTocFile:fp16;
- getTocState;
- loadSubject:(char *)fp16 from:(char *)fp20 forMsg:(int)fp24;
- loadAttach:(char *)fp16 forMsg:(int)fp20;
- copyAttachments:fp16 to:(NXStream *)fp20 mailbox:fp24;
- findAttachments:fp16;
- getDeletedAttachments;
- (char)getStateForMsg:(int)fp16;
- rmEncr:(int)fp16;
- (char)setState:(char)fp16 forMsg:(int)fp20 flush:(BOOL)fp24;
- flushFile;
- getFrame:(NXRect *)fp16 height:(float *)fp20;
- viewsChanged:fp16;
- incorporateMail:fp16 start:(int)fp20;
- (int)incorporateToc:fp16 start:(int)fp20;
- repairToc:fp16;
- setAppendMode;
- fileError:(int)fp16;
- safeLoadToc:fp16;
- loadToc:fp16 count:(int)fp20 start:(int)fp24;
- loadMsgListAt:(int)fp16 count:(int)fp20;
- (BOOL)updateTocForMailbox:fp16;
- (BOOL)needUpdate;
- (void)updateMessageAt:(int)fp16 attachSize:(int)fp20 attachTime:(int)fp24;
- (int)buildFor:fp16 newMail:(BOOL)fp20 rebuilding:(BOOL)fp24;
- (int)writeFileFor:fp16;
- (int)calcAccess:fp16;
- setAccess:(int)fp16;
- (int)openTocFor:fp16;
- free;
- setLength:(unsigned int)fp16;
- largerToc:(unsigned int)fp16;
- init;
@interface IconView:View
id bitmap;
char iconText[50];
int pctDone;
BOOL isScalable;
- setScalable:(BOOL)fp16;
- setText:(char *)fp16;
- setPercentDone:(int)fp16;
- toggleStamp;
- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)fp16;
- bitmap;
- setBitmapIfEmpty:fp16;
- setBitmap:fp16;
- resetStamp;
- drawSelf:(NXRect *)fp16:(int)fp20;
- drawSelf;
- (void)drawIconText;
@interface Alias:Object
Buffer *listBuf;
struct unknown *hashTable;
+ new;
- removeAlias:(char *)fp16;
- removeUser:(int)fp16 from:(char *)fp20;
- (void)expandAliases:fp16;
- (void)expandAddress:(char *)fp16 into:fp20 using:(struct unknown1 *)fp24;
- userPass;
- (char *)findUser:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)completeAddress:(char *)fp16 typedChars:(int)fp20;
- (void)_matchAddress:(char *)fp16 with:(char *)fp20 using:(char **)fp24 significantLength:(int)fp28;
- initialize;
- (void)forkedInitialize;
- realInitialize;
- (void)loadFromNetInfo;
- (void)addNetInfoEntry:(char *)fp16 members:(char **)fp20 count:(int)fp24;
- loadHash;
- (BOOL)parsefile:(char *)fp16 alias:(BOOL)fp20 local:(BOOL)fp24;
@interface AliasUI:Super
Window *win;
IconView *well;
Box *box;
id delegate;
NXBrowser *browser;
Form *form;
Button *remove;
Button *add;
Button *to;
Button *cc;
Alias *mailAlias;
BOOL isEditable;
BOOL edited;
int statusIcon;
int editButtons;
int appendButtons;
int addrType;
+ new;
- windowWillReturnFieldEditor:fp16 toObject:fp20;
- (char *)nameFor:fp16;
- (int)browser:fp16 fillMatrix:fp20 inColumn:(int)fp24;
- loadAlias:(char *)fp16 matrix:fp20;
- save:fp16;
- find:fp16;
- (int)found:(char *)fp16 matrix:fp20 first:(int)fp24 last:(int)fp28;
- windowDidResignKey:fp16;
- windowDidUpdate:fp16;
- (BOOL)validSelection;
- setAppendButtons:(int)fp16;
- add:fp16;
- addPrivateName:(char *)fp16;
- remove:fp16;
- loadNewAlias:(char *)fp16 col:(int)fp20;
- appendCc:fp16;
- append:fp16;
- sendNameList:(int)fp16;
- text:fp16 isEmpty:(BOOL)fp20;
- textDidChange:fp16;
- browser;
- show;
- returnHit:fp16;
- doubleClick;
- doit:fp16;
- setBitmap:fp16 display:(BOOL)fp20;
- setGroup:(int)fp16 force:(BOOL)fp20;
- setEditButtons:(int)fp16;
- setStatusIcon:(int)fp16 force:(BOOL)fp20;
- delegate;
- setDelegate:fp16;
- setMailAlias:fp16;
@interface Babel:Object
+ new;
- loadImageFile:(char *)fp16;
- loadEncryptNibFile:(char *)fp16 owner:fp20 fromZone:(NXZone *)fp24;
- loadNibFile:(char *)fp16 owner:fp20 fromZone:(NXZone *)fp24;
- (BOOL)useGallery;
- findFile:(char *)fp16 path:(char *)fp20;
@interface BrowserFieldEditor:EditText
NXBrowser *myBrowser;
+ newForWindow:fp16 browser:fp20;
- keyDown:(NXEvent *)fp16;
- _moveSelection:(int)fp16:(int)fp20;
- (void)setBrowser:fp16;
@interface OneShot:Button
- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)fp16;
@interface DecryptController:Object
id lockButton;
id boundView;
id entryField;
id displayField;
char *msgName;
+ (BOOL)passwordNeededFrom:fp16 view:fp20 attach:(char *)fp24;
- enterText:fp16;
- clearMsg;
- setMsg:(char *)fp16;
- entryField;
- boundView;
- reset;
- (int)decryptMsg:(char *)fp16;
@interface Defaults:Object
int debugging;
int autoFetch;
int autoCompact;
int autoIndent;
int keyBindings;
int archive;
int readReceipt;
int encrypt;
int autoLaunch;
int hideOnAutoLaunch;
id msgFont;
id boldFont;
id tocFont;
id fixedFont;
int pollTime;
int lineLength;
int ccPollTime;
int pagesPerSheet;
int paperOrientation;
int foundDisplayDelay;
int composeSizeDelay;
int delayedComposeUpdateSize;
char *mailDir;
char *mailFilter;
char *displayFilter;
char *mailMarker;
char *mailer;
char *replyTo;
char *spoolFile;
char *spoolDir;
char *activeMailbox;
char *outgoingMailbox;
char *draftsMailbox;
char *templatesMailbox;
char *mailSound;
char *addressPath;
char *alternates;
BOOL showDeletions;
BOOL showSizes;
BOOL replyToSelf;
BOOL autoReplyFormat;
BOOL autoSelectFont;
BOOL restrictedRestore;
BOOL readReceiptOption;
BOOL expandPrivateAliases;
BOOL deleteAlwaysSelects;
BOOL statusLine;
char *uuencoder;
char *includePrefix;
Font *iconFont;
int sendSizeLimit;
BOOL spacePages;
BOOL composeStatusLine;
BOOL doubleClickRestores;
BOOL mimeAlternatives;
int sendFormat;
BOOL showIconCount;
char *userKey1;
char *userValue1;
char *userKey2;
char *userValue2;
BOOL safeSend;
BOOL loadNetInfoAddresses;
char *tarCommand;
char *compressCommand;
char *uncompressCommand;
char *priorityHeader;
char *priorityValues;
BOOL loadBundles;
BOOL ignoreMailerErrors;
BOOL send8BitMime;
BOOL sendRtfEnrichedMime;
BOOL incAllMailboxes;
char *remoteFetch;
char *peopleDir;
+ new;
- (char *)peopleDir;
- (char *)remoteFetch;
- (char *)getNoNull:(char *)fp16 into:(char **)fp20 defaultVal:(char *)fp24;
- (void)getDefault:(char *)fp16 for:fp20;
- (void)saveDefault:(char *)fp16 for:fp20;
- (void)setIncAllMailboxes:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)incAllMailboxes;
- (BOOL)sendRtfEnrichedMime;
- (BOOL)send8BitMime;
- (BOOL)ignoreMailerErrors;
- (void)setLoadBundles:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)loadBundles;
- (void)setPriorityValues:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)priorityValues;
- (void)setPriorityHeader:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)priorityHeader;
- (void)setUncompressCommand:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)uncompressCommand;
- (void)setCompressCommand:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)compressCommand;
- (void)setTarCommand:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)tarCommand;
- (void)setLoadNetInfoAddresses:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)loadNetInfoAddresses;
- (void)setSafeSend:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)safeSend;
- (void)setUserKey2:(char *)fp16 value:(char *)fp20;
- (char *)userValue2;
- (char *)userKey2;
- (void)setUserKey1:(char *)fp16 value:(char *)fp20;
- (char *)userValue1;
- (char *)userKey1;
- (void)setShowIconCount:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)showIconCount;
- (void)setSendFormat:(int)fp16;
- (int)sendFormat;
- (void)setMimeAlternatives:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)mimeAlternatives;
- (BOOL)doubleClickRestores;
- (BOOL)composeStatusLine;
- (BOOL)spacePages;
- (void)setSendSizeLimit:(int)fp16;
- (int)sendSizeLimit;
- iconFont;
- (void)setDelayedComposeUpdateSize:(int)fp16;
- (int)delayedComposeUpdateSize;
- (void)setComposeSizeDelay:(int)fp16;
- (int)composeSizeDelay;
- (void)setStatusLine:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)statusLine;
- (void)setDeleteAlwaysSelects:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)deleteAlwaysSelects;
- (void)setFoundDisplayDelay:(int)fp16;
- (int)foundDisplayDelay;
- (void)setIncludePrefix:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)includePrefix;
- (void)setUuencoder:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)uuencoder;
- (void)setExpandPrivateAliases:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)expandPrivateAliases;
- (void)setRestrictedRestore:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)restrictedRestore;
- (void)setReadReceiptOption:(int)fp16;
- (int)readReceiptOption;
- (void)setAutoSelectFont:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)autoSelectFont;
- (void)setAutoReplyFormat:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)autoReplyFormat;
- (void)setReplyToSelf:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)replyToSelf;
- (void)setShowSizes:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)showSizes;
- (void)setShowDeletions:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)showDeletions;
- (void)setAlternates:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)alternates;
- (void)setAddressPath:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)addressPath;
- (void)setMailSound:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)mailSound;
- (void)setReplyTo:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)replyTo;
- (void)setTemplatesMailbox:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)templatesMailbox;
- (void)setDraftsMailbox:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)draftsMailbox;
- (void)setOutgoingMailbox:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)outgoingMailbox;
- (void)setActiveMailbox:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)activeMailbox;
- (void)setSpoolDir:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)spoolDir;
- (char *)spoolFile;
- (void)setMailer:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)mailer;
- (void)setMailMarker:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)mailMarker;
- (char *)displayFilter;
- (void)setMailFilter:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)mailFilter;
- (void)setMailDir:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)mailDir;
- (char *)get:(char *)fp16 into:(char **)fp20 defaultVal:(char *)fp24;
- (void)setString:(char *)fp16 into:(char **)fp20 name:(char *)fp24;
- (void)setPaperOrientation:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)paperOrientation;
- (void)setPagesPerSheet:(short)fp16;
- (short)pagesPerSheet;
- (void)setLineLength:(int)fp16;
- (int)lineLength;
- (void)setPollTime:(int)fp16;
- (int)pollTime;
- (void)setBoldFont:fp16;
- boldFont;
- (void)setMsgFont:fp16;
- msgFont;
- (void)updateBoldFont;
- (void)setTocFont:fp16;
- tocFont;
- (void)setFixedFont:fp16;
- fixedFont;
- (void)setEncrypt:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)encrypt;
- (void)setReadReceipt:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)readReceipt;
- (void)setArchive:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)archive;
- (void)setHideOnAutoLaunch:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)hideOnAutoLaunch;
- (BOOL)autoLaunch;
- (void)setKeyBindings:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)keyBindings;
- (void)setAutoIndent:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)autoIndent;
- (void)setAutoCompact:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)autoCompact;
- (void)setDebugging:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)debugging;
- (void)setAutoFetch:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)autoFetch;
- (void)writeString:(char *)fp16 name:(char *)fp20;
- (char *)getString:(char *)fp16 defaultVal:(char *)fp20;
- (void)writeInt:(int)fp16 name:(char *)fp20;
- (int)getInt:(char *)fp16 defaultVal:(int)fp20;
- (void)writeBool:(BOOL)fp16 name:(char *)fp20;
- (BOOL)getBool:(char *)fp16 defaultVal:(BOOL)fp20;
- (void)registerDefaults;
- free;
- init;
@interface EditDict:Object
struct _stringObject *hashTab[29];
NXStream *stream;
char *dictname;
+ newDict:(char *)fp16 proc:(void (*)())fp20 data:(void *)fp24;
+ newDict:(char *)fp16;
+ new;
- removeKey:(char *)fp16;
- save:fp16;
- (int)loadMatrix:fp16;
- addKey:(char *)fp16 val:(char *)fp20;
- free;
- (char *)lookup:(char *)fp16;
- initDict:(char *)fp16 proc:(void (*)())fp20 data:(void *)fp24;
@interface EKProgressView:View
float min;
float max;
float progress;
int orientation;
NXColor fillColor;
- drawSelf:(NXRect *)fp16:(int)fp20;
- setFillColor:(NXColor)fp16;
- setOrientation:(int)fp16;
- setProgress:(float)fp16;
- setMaxValue:(float)fp16;
- setMinValue:(float)fp16;
- initFrame:(NXRect *)fp16;
@interface EncryptAdmin:Object
id address;
id addressView;
id chooser;
id curView;
id instruct;
id keyField;
id keyText;
id privateView;
id publicView;
id well;
id window;
id parent;
id keyManager;
char *validKey;
BOOL validated;
BOOL updated;
void *domain;
int curType;
int privateKeyPassNumber;
+ new;
- performClose:fp16;
- setPrivateKey:fp16;
- makeNewKeyPair;
- removeKeysAndShow:fp16;
- removePublicKey:fp16;
- addPublicKeyAndShow:fp16;
- show;
- changeView:fp16;
- revert:fp16;
- selectSelf:fp16;
- showPublic;
- showPrivate;
- updateMatrix;
- chooseRow;
- connect;
- publicKeyText;
- addressText;
@interface KeyCell:Cell
- calcCellSize:(NXSize *)fp16;
@interface EncryptKey:Panel
char *key;
id username;
id keyList;
id encryptPanel;
id sendEncryptedButton;
int keyLength;
- (char *)key;
- sendUnencrypt:fp16;
- performClose:fp16;
- acceptKey:fp16;
- show:(char *)fp16;
- disableSendEncryptedButton;
- buildList;
- chooseRow;
@interface Error:Object
+ new;
- appendFileError:(char *)fp16;
- badDir:(char *)fp16;
- badFile:(char *)fp16 error:(int)fp20;
- (int)alert:(char *)fp16 msg:(char *)fp20 but1:(char *)fp24 but2:(char *)fp28 but3:(char *)fp32 arg1:(void *)fp36 arg2:(void *)fp40;
@interface FindPanel:Super
id ftext;
id regExpr;
id ignoreCase;
id allMatrix;
id errmsg;
id findButton;
id replaceButton;
id backFindButton;
id findWindow;
id findReplaceButton;
id allButton;
char *findField;
id replaceWithField;
id allBox;
int msgState;
BOOL findKeyboard;
BOOL failed;
char *lowerFind;
int findLength;
int curMode;
int windowMode;
int oldAllRow;
+ new;
- (BOOL)exportFindText:(char *)fp16;
- (BOOL)importFindText;
- (char *)nameFor:fp16;
- windowDidUpdate:fp16;
- setFindMode:(int)fp16;
- setErrorMsg:(char *)fp16 beep:(BOOL)fp20;
- (char *)errorMsg;
- (char *)replaceField;
- (char *)findField;
- (char *)findFieldInternal;
- setFindField:(char *)fp16;
- setFindFieldInternal:(char *)fp16;
- performReplace;
- performBackFind;
- performFind;
- hide;
- show;
- (BOOL)regExpr;
- (BOOL)ignoreCase;
- (BOOL)searchMessage;
- (int)allChoice;
- setFailed:(BOOL)fp16;
- setFindByKeyboard:(BOOL)fp16;
- findReturn:fp16;
@interface FixedOpenPanel:OpenPanel
- ok:fp16;
- (BOOL)_checkFile:(char *)fp16 exclude:(struct unknown1 *)fp20 column:(int)fp24 directory:(char *)fp28 leaf:(int)fp32;
- chooseDirectories:(BOOL)fp16;
- chooseFilesAndDirectories:(BOOL)fp16;
@interface IconButton:Button
SEL extraAction;
id delegate;
- copy;
- setDelegate:fp16;
- delegate;
- setAction:(SEL)fp16;
- drawSelf:(NXRect *)fp16;
- drawSelf:(NXRect *)fp16:(int)fp20;
- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)fp16;
@interface IconCell:ButtonCell
char *filename;
id white;
BOOL deleteFile;
- copy;
- (const char *)name;
- (BOOL)setName:(char *)fp16;
- bitmap;
- setBitmap:fp16;
- highlight:(NXRect *)fp16 inView:fp20 lit:(BOOL)fp24;
- drawSelf:(NXRect *)fp16 inView:fp20;
- free;
- setDeleteFile:(BOOL)fp16;
@interface Info:Object
id infoPanel;
id versionField;
id releaseField;
+ new;
- clickedOnTitle:fp16;
- clickedOnPicture:fp16;
- show;
- init;
@interface KeyView:View
id image;
id currentImage;
id keyInfo;
id delegate;
NXRect hotRect;
id publishedKey;
- publishedKey;
- (int)draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal:(BOOL)fp16;
- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)fp16;
- createKeyFile:(char *)fp16;
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse;
- drawSelf:(NXRect *)fp16:(int)fp20;
- concludeDragOperation:fp16;
- (BOOL)performDragOperation:fp16;
- (BOOL)prepareForDragOperation:fp16;
- draggingExited:fp16;
- (int)draggingEntered:fp16;
- setDelegate:fp16;
- setImageOn:(BOOL)fp16;
- initFrame:(NXRect *)fp16;
@interface LipService:Object
Recorder *sound;
SoundMeter *graph;
id controller;
View *contentView;
Button *edit;
Button *erase;
Button *pause;
Button *play;
Button *record;
Button *stop;
Button *transfer;
Panel *win;
BOOL playing;
BOOL recording;
BOOL editInvalid;
int panelState;
+ new;
- loadFile:(char *)fp16;
- windowDidUpdate:fp16;
- windowDidMove:fp16;
- windowWillClose:fp16;
- setSound:fp16;
- didPlay:fp16;
- willPlay:fp16;
- didRecord:fp16;
- willRecord:fp16;
- hadError:fp16;
- sound;
- contentView;
- window;
- lipservice:fp16;
- newLipService;
- pause:fp16;
- record:fp16;
- play:fp16;
- shutDown:fp16;
- erase:fp16;
- reallyEdit:fp16;
- edit:fp16;
- show:fp16;
- transfer:fp16;
@interface Message:Object
int endHeader;
struct unknown *table;
void *tableInfo;
- free;
- (char *)emptyGet:(char *)fp16;
- (BOOL)haveAttach;
- readMessage:fp16;
- processList:(struct unknown6 *)fp16 buf:(char *)fp20;
- cleanList;
- (struct tm *)date;
- (BOOL)wasSentFromNext;
- (BOOL)readReceipt;
- getAttach:(char *)fp16;
- getList:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)get:(char *)fp16;
- initTable;
@interface MailBox:Object
char *mailFileName;
char *dirname;
Toc *toc;
MailReader *mailReader;
Message *msgHeader;
int mailLength;
FILE *mailFile;
PageBuffer *buffer;
int curOp;
struct unknown4 *attachInfo;
int mboxAccess;
long attachFileSize;
long dataSize;
long msgSize;
FILE *tempFile;
char *attachDest;
BOOL haveLock;
+ newTempMailBox:(char *)fp16;
+ newMailBox:(char *)fp16;
- (BOOL)messageAt:(int)fp16 containsRegExpr:(struct regex *)fp20;
- (void)maybeUpdateToc;
- (BOOL)checkAttachmentSizeForMessageAt:(int)fp16;
- (struct unknown2 *)tocInfoAt:(int)fp16;
- (void)getMailboxStatus:(struct mboxstatus *)fp16;
- (BOOL)readOnly;
- calcAccess;
- getFrame:(NXRect *)fp16 height:(float *)fp20;
- setCurMsg:(int)fp16;
- rmEncr:(int)fp16;
- (int)undeleteMsg;
- deleteMessages:fp16;
- loadSubject:(char *)fp16 from:(char *)fp20 forMsg:(int)fp24;
- copyAttachments:fp16 to:(NXStream *)fp20;
- flushMsgState;
- (char)getStateForMsg:(int)fp16;
- (char)setState:(char)fp16 forMsg:(int)fp20 flush:(BOOL)fp24;
- viewsChanged:fp16;
- transfer:fp16 to:fp20;
- writeMessages:fp16 to:(NXStream *)fp20;
- getMsgList;
- compactMail:(int *)fp16;
- compactMailFile:fp16;
- getDeletedAttachments;
- copyMsgBodyAt:(long)fp16 count:(long)fp20 remove:(BOOL)fp24;
- writeDataFile:(char *)fp16 start:(long)fp20 count:(long)fp24;
- getAttachmentInfo:(char *)fp16 ref:(char *)fp20;
- filterAttachments;
- writeAttachAt:(int)fp16 end:(int)fp20 ref:(int)fp24 endHeader:(int)fp28;
- copySpoolFile:(FILE *)fp16;
- getNewMail:(char *)fp16;
- incorporateMailAtStart:(char *)fp16;
- getMail:(char *)fp16 length:(int)fp20;
- pasteMail:(char *)fp16;
- copyFromPboard:fp16 dest:(FILE *)fp20;
- repairTocFile:(int)fp16;
- deleteAttachments:fp16;
- setAttachInfo:(struct unknown4 *)fp16;
- freeAttachInfo;
- (int)mailLength;
- (BOOL)appendMessage:fp16;
- loadMessageAt:(int)fp16 forcePlain:(BOOL)fp20;
- loadMessageAt:(int)fp16;
- (void)loadFilteredMessageFrom:(FILE *)fp16 at:(int)fp20 length:(int)fp24 into:fp28;
- (BOOL)couldLoadFilteredMessageFrom:(FILE *)fp16 length:(int)fp20 into:fp24;
- msgHeader;
- rawMsg;
- processed;
- (char *)dirname;
- fileError:(int)fp16;
- fixSelf:(char *)fp16 at:(int)fp20 encrypt:(BOOL)fp24;
- copy:(char *)fp16 to:(char *)fp20;
- modifyFileAt:(int)fp16 newName:(char *)fp20 encrypt:(BOOL)fp24;
- fixAttachment:(char *)fp16 at:(int)fp20 encrypt:(BOOL)fp24;
- (char *)mailFileName;
- (FILE *)mailFile;
- setMailReader:fp16;
- mailReader;
- (BOOL)find:(char *)fp16 start:(int)fp20 end:(int)fp24 locs:(struct unknown5 *)fp28 inFile:(FILE *)fp32;
- free;
- removeLock;
- getTocHeight:(float *)fp16;
- getWindowFrame:(NXRect *)fp16;
- restore;
- fatal;
- initMailBox:(char *)fp16;
@interface MailCell:Cell
int msgId;
int dateVal;
struct mflagstruct mflags;
char *from;
char *date;
long size;
unsigned int status;
- (void)setFlagged:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)isFlagged;
- (void)setDeleted:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)isDeleted;
- (void)setRead:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)isRead;
- (void)setUnencrypt;
- calcCellSize:(NXSize *)fp16 inRect:(NXRect *)fp20;
- highlight:(NXRect *)fp16 inView:fp20 lit:(BOOL)fp24;
- drawCell:(NXRect *)fp16 inView:fp20;
- drawCell:(NXRect *)fp16 inView:fp20 highlighted:(BOOL)fp24;
- (void)paintIcon:fp16 inRect:(NXRect *)fp20 atPos:(float)fp24 op:(int)fp28;
- drawSelf:(NXRect *)fp16 inView:fp20;
- (void)setSize:(long)fp16;
- (char *)subject;
- (void)setSubject:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)from;
- (void)setFrom:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)date;
- (void)setDate:(char *)fp16;
- (int)msgId;
- setLoaded:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)isLoaded;
- copy;
- free;
@interface CellInfo:Object
int newPos;
int richPos;
int numPos;
int datePos;
int fromPos;
int subjPos;
int flagPos;
int prioPos;
float fromWidth;
float fieldGap;
float lineHeight;
float descender;
id font;
BOOL isFirstResponder;
id cellDelegate;
unsigned char delegateFlags;
- delegate;
- setDelegate:fp16;
- (void)limitString:(char *)fp16 toWidth:(float)fp20;
- becomeFirstResponder;
- resignFirstResponder;
- (float)cellHeight;
- setFont:fp16;
- initWithFont:fp16;
- init;
@interface SendView:View
MailReader *mbox;
Form *form;
List *buttons;
BOOL specialDelivery;
BOOL ccEdited;
float maxHeight;
float minHeight;
+ (float)minHeight;
+ newFrame:(NXRect *)fp16;
- encryptButton;
- nextMailButton;
- (BOOL)isSpecialDelivery;
- setSpecialDelivery:(BOOL)fp16;
- makeReply;
- makeReplyAll;
- setTarget:fp16;
- loadNames:(char *)fp16 at:(int)fp20;
- drawSelf:(NXRect *)fp16:(int)fp20;
- form;
- reset:fp16;
- textDidEnd:fp16 endChar:(unsigned short)fp20;
- setMbox:fp16;
- performDeliver:fp16;
- text:fp16 isEmpty:(BOOL)fp20;
- free;
- (float)maxHeight;
- initFrame:(NXRect *)fp16;
@interface Send:View
MediaText *text;
ScrollView *scroll;
SendView *command;
Font *msgFont;
int mode;
NXRect textFrame;
MailReader *mbox;
Form *form;
BOOL editing;
NXRect wFrame;
char *bcc;
char *replyTo;
char *tempDocument;
char *userField1;
char *userField2;
char *references;
BOOL readReceipt;
BOOL encrypt;
int sendFormat;
BOOL haveSetFormat;
BOOL archive;
TextField *sizeField;
NXRTFD *richBackup;
NXCleanList *helperObjects;
NXCleanList *helperViews;
- (void)defaultsChanged;
- addAttachment:fp16;
- updateSize:fp16;
- textDidEnd:fp16 endChar:(unsigned short)fp20;
- textDidGetKeys:fp16 isEmpty:(BOOL)fp20;
- (BOOL)writeSelectionToPasteboard:fp16 types:(char **)fp20;
- validRequestorForSendType:(char *)fp16 andReturnType:(char *)fp20;
- openPageLayout:fp16;
- printPanel:fp16;
- toggleEncrypt:fp16;
- toggleReceipt:fp16;
- toggleNext:fp16;
- setEncrypt:(BOOL)fp16;
- (void)setReadReceipt:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)encrypt;
- (BOOL)nonNext;
- (BOOL)readReceipt;
- setText:(char *)fp16;
- text;
- command;
- getScroll;
- getTextObject;
- windowDidResize:fp16;
- setFonts;
- newTitle;
- (void)setSendFormat:(int)fp16;
- (void)takeSendFormatFrom:fp16;
- (void)_updateFormatButton;
- (int)_nextFormat;
- fixMargins;
- (float)getCharWidth:fp16;
- makeAscii:fp16;
- windowDidResignMain:fp16;
- windowDidBecomeMain:fp16;
- windowDidBecomeKey:fp16;
- textDidPaste:fp16;
- changeFont:fp16;
- (void)updateSpecialDelivery;
- iconAdded:fp16;
- windowWillClose:fp16;
- windowWillResize:fp16 toSize:(NXSize *)fp20;
- address:fp16;
- openLipService:fp16;
- nowEditing;
- (void)setField:(int)fp16 value:(char *)fp20;
- (char *)getField:(int)fp16;
- includeMessage:fp16;
- restoreDraftFromMessage:fp16;
- forward:fp16;
- replaceSelWithMessageFrom:fp16;
- (char *)attachDir;
- replyAll:fp16;
- reply:fp16;
- replyHelper:(BOOL)fp16;
- (char *)replySubject;
- getMailbox;
- (char *)replyCc;
- (char *)replyTo;
- mboxDied:fp16;
- optionsPanel:fp16;
- adjustSubviews;
- splitView:fp16 getMinY:(float *)fp20 maxY:(float *)fp24 ofSubviewAt:(int)fp28;
- resizeSubviews:(NXSize *)fp16 of:fp20;
- (BOOL)archive;
- (void)setArchive:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)validateCommand:fp16;
- free;
@interface MailDriver:Application
IconView *icon;
char *queryBuf;
char *my_name;
char *spoolName;
BOOL failed;
BOOL initialCheck;
id windowsCell;
id serviceCell;
id fontCell;
id printCell;
id hideCell;
id quitCell;
id rulerCell;
id infoMenu;
id sortMenu;
id auxPrintView;
id auxPrintButton;
Send *lastComposer;
List *displayFilters;
List *messageClasses;
List *composeHelperClasses;
id mailCellDelegate;
id cryptBundle;
id cryptor;
id keyManager;
id cryptAssistBundle;
id cryptAssist;
+ new;
+ initialize;
- cryptAssistBundle;
- cryptAssist;
- loadCryptorAssist:fp16;
- (BOOL)cryptorAssistExists;
- keyManager;
- (BOOL)cryptorExists;
- cryptor;
- loadCryptor:fp16;
- delayedFreeList;
- (BOOL)isDelayedFree:fp16;
- (void)defaultsChanged;
- (void)unlockNetInfo;
- (void)lockNetInfo;
- (void)setPrintScope:(int)fp16;
- (int)printScope;
- auxPrintView;
- mailCellDelegate;
- setMailCellDelegate:fp16;
- (void)addComposeHelperClass:fp16;
- composeHelperClasses;
- (void)addMessageClass:fp16;
- messageClasses;
- (void)addDisplayFilter:fp16;
- displayFilters;
- (void)loadBundles;
- (void)incorporateNewMail;
- readSelectionFromPasteboard:fp16;
- openComposeFromPasteboard:fp16;
- (BOOL)writeSelectionToPasteboard:fp16 types:(char **)fp20;
- validRequestorForSendType:(char *)fp16 andReturnType:(char *)fp20;
- open:fp16;
- showPreferences:fp16;
- mailDocument:fp16 userData:(char *)fp20 error:(char **)fp24;
- mailSelection:fp16 userData:(char *)fp20 error:(char **)fp24;
- mailDoc:(char *)fp16 temp:(BOOL)fp20;
- (void)setLastComposer:fp16;
- getSendWindow:(char)fp16;
- paintIcon:(int)fp16;
- initMailInfo;
- recheckinLocal;
- bootCheckIn;
- initialPoll;
- checkNewMail:(char *)fp16 beep:(BOOL)fp20;
- (int)threadPort;
- mboxDied:fp16;
- exec:(char **)fp16 in:(int)fp20 out:(int)fp24;
- (NXStream *)run:(char **)fp16 withInputFrom:(FILE *)fp20 length:(int)fp24;
- (int)system:(char *)fp16;
- (BOOL)updateCell:fp16;
- address:fp16;
- openLipService:fp16;
- newSender:fp16;
- encryptKeys:fp16;
- mailboxes:fp16;
- openIcon:(char *)fp16;
- (BOOL)canOpenByWorkspace:(char *)fp16;
- (BOOL)dontOpenApp:(char *)fp16 ext:(char *)fp20;
- (int)powerOffIn:(int)fp16 andSave:(int)fp20;
- setFailed:(BOOL)fp16;
- postNewMail;
- didPlay:fp16;
- regExpr:fp16;
- ignoreCase:fp16;
- appDidUnhide:fp16;
- appDidHide:fp16;
- appDidInit:fp16;
- appDidResignActive:fp16;
- appDidBecomeActive:fp16;
- initialCheck:fp16;
- setUpdateAction:fp16 force:(BOOL)fp20;
- findToc:(char *)fp16 order:(char)fp20;
- find:fp16;
- realQuit:fp16;
- terminate:fp16;
- (BOOL)maybeSaveDrafts:(BOOL)fp16;
- terminateSafely:fp16;
- (BOOL)anyEdits;
- showMbox:fp16;
- (char *)getSpoolName;
- (char *)getMyName;
- notifyToc;
- incomingDone;
- incomingMail:(int)fp16;
- newMailMsg;
- (void)updateNewMessageCount;
- (int)spoolCount;
- openByFinder:(char *)fp16;
- doInfo:fp16;
- (int)msgSetPosition:(char *)fp16 posType:(int)fp20 andSelect:(int)fp24 ok:(int *)fp28;
- (int)setSelection:(void *)fp16 length:(int)fp20;
- (int)appOpenFile:(char *)fp16 type:(char *)fp20;
- (BOOL)appAcceptsAnotherFile:fp16;
@interface MyApp:Application
+ workspace;
+ initialize;
@interface MyWorkspaceProxy
Class isa;
+ new;
+ initialize;
+ alloc;
+ allocFromZone:(NXZone *)fp16;
- getIconForFile:(char *)fp16;
- forward:(SEL)fp16:(void *)fp20;
@interface ImmutableImage:NXImage
- free;
@interface RunInfo:Object
struct unknown *runs;
struct unknown *last;
int size;
+ new;
- repairStyles:fp16;
- trimRuns:(int)fp16;
- (int)runLength;
- larger;
- setup:fp16;
- init;
@interface MimeFetcher:Object
id waitPanel;
id waitTitle;
id waitMessage;
id waitSizeField;
id loginPanel;
id loginHostField;
id loginUserField;
id loginPassField;
+ new;
- subprocess:fp16 output:(char *)fp20;
- subprocess:fp16 exit:(int)fp20;
- (int)waitForSubprocess:fp16;
- okOrCancel:fp16;
- (BOOL)fetchBodyFor:fp16 to:(char *)fp20;
- (BOOL)fetchLocalFileBodyFor:fp16 to:(char *)fp20;
- (BOOL)fetchMailServerBodyFor:fp16 to:(char *)fp20;
- (BOOL)fetchAnonFTPBodyFor:fp16 to:(char *)fp20;
- (BOOL)fetchFTPBodyFor:fp16 to:(char *)fp20;
- (BOOL)ftpFrom:(char *)fp16 directory:(char *)fp20 filename:(char *)fp24 mode:(char *)fp28 forUserPass:(char *)fp32 to:(char *)fp36;
- resetAllCredentials:fp16;
- (void)resetCredentialsFor:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)credentialsFor:(char *)fp16;
- (int)runLoginPanelFor:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)anonUserPass;
- (char *)fetchExternalBodyFor:fp16;
- (BOOL)openExternalBodyForFile:(char *)fp16;
- init;
@interface Preferences:Super
id prefPanel;
id viewButton;
id currentView;
id generalView;
id newMailMatrix;
id queryField;
id soundSwitch;
id soundField;
id showStatusSwitch;
id showSizeSwitch;
id showDeletedSwitch;
id fixedPitchSwitch;
id autoLaunchSwitch;
id iconCountSwitch;
id sendView;
id autoIndentSwitch;
id autoReplySwitch;
id removeSelfSwitch;
id emacsKeySwitch;
id defaultFormatButton;
id replyToField;
id expandAliasesSwitch;
id readReceiptSwitch;
id archiveOutgoingSwitch;
id mimeAlternativeSwitch;
id expertView;
id filteredHeadersText;
id userHeadersTable;
id alternateField;
id mailDirField;
id spoolDirField;
id mailerField;
id lineLengthField;
id sendLimitField;
id headerView;
id headerBrowser;
id headerField;
char *soundFile;
char *userKeys[2];
char *userValues[2];
BOOL needToRestart;
+ new;
- removeHeader:fp16;
- addHeader:fp16;
- selectHeader:fp16;
- (int)browser:fp16 fillMatrix:fp20 inColumn:(int)fp24;
- setValueFor:fp16 at:(unsigned int)fp20 from:fp24;
- getValueFor:fp16 at:(unsigned int)fp20 into:fp24;
- (unsigned int)rowCount;
- windowWillClose:sender;
- revert:sender;
- set:fp16;
- didPlay:sender;
- setSound:sender;
- (void)downLoad;
- (void)upLoad;
- (void)promoteDefaultsChanges;
- (char *)filteredHeaders;
- (void)setSoundFile:(char *)fp16;
- textDidEnd:fp16 endChar:(unsigned short)fp20;
- textDidChange:fp16;
- noteChange:sender;
- (void)validateField:fp16;
- (BOOL)checkFile:(char *)fp16 type:(int)fp20 access:(int)fp24;
- changeView:sender;
- show;
- (char *)nameFor:fp16;
- init;
@interface Progressor:Object
id panel;
id titleField;
id messageField;
id progressView;
id button;
NXModalSession mySession;
BOOL myWasCancelled;
int myStartTime;
BOOL myShowProgress;
NXPoint myProgressPos;
+ newWithTitle:(const char *)fp16 message:(const char *)fp20;
- cancel:fp16;
- (BOOL)cancelled;
- (void)endModalSession;
- (void)beginModalSession;
- (BOOL)showProgress;
- setShowProgress:(BOOL)fp16;
- setProgress:(float)fp16;
- setMaxValue:(float)fp16;
- setMinValue:(float)fp16;
- setButtonTitle:(char *)fp16;
- setMessage:(char *)fp16;
- setTitle:(const char *)fp16;
- setTitle:(char *)fp16 message:(char *)fp20:(char *)fp24;
- reset;
- initWithTitle:(char *)fp16 message:(char *)fp20;
- init;
@interface PublishedKey:Object
char *mailingAddress;
char *keyData;
long keyLength;
- (char *)mailingAddress;
- (char *)keyID;
- (char *)keyData;
- (long)keyLength;
@interface ScrollingSound:ScrollView
+ newFrame:(NXRect *)fp16;
- paste:fp16;
- copy:fp16;
- cut:fp16;
- delete:fp16;
- record:fp16;
- stop:fp16;
- play:fp16;
- setDelegate:fp16;
@interface SendDemo:Object
List *sendList;
+ (void)resetTheComposer;
+ theComposer;
+ new;
- composerWillClose:fp16;
- (int)incorporateNewMail;
- (int)deliver:(int)fp16;
- (int)setBody:(char *)fp16 inWindow:(int)fp20;
- (int)setCc:(char *)fp16 inWindow:(int)fp20;
- (int)setSubject:(char *)fp16 inWindow:(int)fp20;
- (int)setTo:(char *)fp16 inWindow:(int)fp20;
- (int)setField:(int)fp16 with:(char *)fp20 in:(int)fp24;
- (int)openSend:(int *)fp16;
- (BOOL)validHandle:(int)fp16;
- (int)deliver;
- (int)setBody:(char *)fp16;
- (int)setCc:(char *)fp16;
- (int)setSubject:(char *)fp16;
- (int)setTo:(char *)fp16;
- (int)openSend;
- free;
- init;
@interface SendWindow:Window
- (BOOL)commandKey:(NXEvent *)fp16;
@interface SendOptions:Object
int curField;
id fieldView;
id fieldPopUp;
id fieldText;
id replyView;
id archiveButton;
id window;
id featureList;
id curSender;
BOOL isDownLoading;
+ new;
- doUpdate:fp16;
- changeView:fp16;
- window;
- defaultsChanged;
- windowWillClose:fp16;
- windowDidResignKey:fp16;
- textDidEnd:fp16 endChar:(unsigned short)fp20;
- setCurSender:fp16;
- show;
- (void)setViewField:(int)fp16;
- (void)downLoad:(BOOL)fp16;
- (void)upLoad:(BOOL)fp16;
- loadWindow;
- (void)updateUserFields;
@interface SoundEdit:Object
SoundView *view;
Window *win;
id delegate;
float topY;
+ new;
- printPanel:fp16;
- resume:fp16;
- pause:fp16;
- stop:fp16;
- record:fp16;
- play:fp16;
- window;
- show:fp16;
- setDelegate:fp16;
- setWin:fp16;
- setView:fp16;
- soundBeingProcessed;
- (int)deleteSamples;
- setSound:fp16;
@interface StringList:List
char *myStringValue;
- (void)printForDebugger:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (void)addFilesFrom:(char *)fp16;
- (void)addFilesFrom:(char *)fp16 withSuffix:(char *)fp20;
- (char *)commaizedStringValue;
- (void)removeDuplicateAddresses;
- (void)removeMyAddress;
- (void)removeAddress:(char *)fp16;
- (void)removeAddressComments;
- (void)addParsedAddressesFrom:(char *)fp16;
- (void)sortUsing:(void (*)())fp16;
- (void)sortUsing:(void (*)())fp16 at:(unsigned int)fp20 count:(int)fp24;
- (void)replaceString:(char *)fp16 at:(int)fp20;
- (void)removeStringAt:(int)fp16;
- (void)addStringNoCopy:(char *)fp16;
- (void)addString:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)stringAt:(int)fp16;
- free;
@interface Subprocess:Object
NXStream streamToChild;
int toChild;
int fromChild;
int childPid;
id delegate;
int masterPty;
int slavePty;
int bufferCount;
char outputBuffer[2048];
- delegate;
- setDelegate:fp16;
- terminate:fp16;
- terminate;
- terminateInput;
- sendFormat:(char *)fp16;
- send:(char *)fp16;
- send:(char *)fp16 withNewline:(BOOL)fp20;
- init:(char *)fp16 withDelegate:fp20 andPtySupport:(BOOL)fp24 andStdErr:(BOOL)fp28;
- init:(char *)fp16;
@interface Timer:Object
DPSTimedEntry *teNum;
id target;
SEL action;
double curTime;
+ newTimer:(double)fp16 target:fp24 action:(SEL)fp28;
- (double)curTime;
- free;
- initTimer:(double)fp16 target:fp24 action:(SEL)fp28;
@interface RectList:Object
NXRect *list;
int count;
int max;
int index;
- free;
- addRect:(NXRect *)fp16 cell:fp20;
- reset;
- init;
@interface TocMatrix:Matrix
int loadedCellRow;
id cellInfo;
struct unknown *subjectTab;
struct unknown *cellTab;
RectList *rectList;
BOOL dontResign;
BOOL optimize;
Buffer *idlist;
BOOL showDeletions;
BOOL showSizes;
struct unknown *focusTab;
+ newFrame:(NXRect *)fp16 mode:(int)fp20 cellClass:fp24 numRows:(int)fp28 numCols:(int)fp32;
- (void)setShowSizes:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)showSizes;
- (void)setShowDeletions:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)showDeletions;
- sortByPriority;
- sortBySize;
- sortBySubject;
- sortByNumber;
- sortByDate;
- sortByName;
- sortProc:(void (*)())fp16;
- (int)nextMsgId:(BOOL)fp16;
- getSelectedAttachments;
- msgRead:(int)fp16;
- msgUnencrypt:(int)fp16;
- (BOOL)haveMultipleSelection;
- deleteSelection;
- getSelectionCells;
- getAll;
- getSelection;
- scrollUnreadAfter:(int)fp16;
- scrollLastPage;
- scrollVisible:(int)fp16;
- scrollTop:(int)fp16;
- (char *)subjectForMsgId:(int)fp16;
- cellForMsgId:(int)fp16;
- (int)rowForMsgId:(int)fp16;
- loadToc:fp16 atStart:(BOOL)fp20;
- (BOOL)isFocused;
- (void)setFocus:fp16;
- (float)cellHeight;
- cellInfo;
- setCellInfo:fp16;
- changeFont:fp16;
- setFont:fp16;
- findAllUnread:fp16;
- findOneUnread:fp16;
- findUnread:(BOOL)fp16;
- backSame:fp16;
- findSame:fp16;
- showFindPanel:fp16;
- all:fp16;
- backwardFind:fp16;
- find:fp16;
- findForward:(BOOL)fp16 all:(BOOL)fp20;
- (struct regex *)regExprPattern;
- (BOOL)cell:fp16 containsRegExpr:(struct regex *)fp20 searchMessage:(BOOL)fp24;
- paste:fp16;
- copy:fp16;
- cut:fp16;
- resetLoadedCell;
- loadedCell;
- markLoadedCell;
- sizeTo:(float)fp16:(float)fp20;
- keyDown:(NXEvent *)fp16;
- becomeFirstResponder;
- resignFirstResponder;
- setDontResignFirst:(BOOL)fp16;
- findCell;
- selectAll:fp16;
- addRect:(NXRect *)fp16 cell:fp20;
- gatherInfo;
- (char *)fromForCell:fp16;
- loadAllCells;
- loadCell:fp16 mailReader:fp20;
- drawSelf:(NXRect *)fp16:(int)fp20;
- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)fp16;
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse;
- (BOOL)validateCommand:fp16;
- toggleRuler:fp16;
- free;
- _initialize:(int)fp16:(int)fp20:(int)fp24;
- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect mode:(int)aMode cellClass:factoryId numRows:(int)rowsHigh numCols:(int)colsWide;
@protocol MailHeaderDelegate
- (BOOL)writeHeaderKey:(const char *)fp16 value:(const char *)fp20 toStream:(NXStream *)fp24;
@interface MailHeaderBinding:Object
char *myKey;
char *myValue;
- (void)setValueNoCopy:(char *)fp16;
- (void)setValue:(char *)fp16;
- (void)setKey:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)value;
- (char *)key;
- free;
- initWithKey:(char *)fp16 valueNoCopy:(char *)fp20;
- initWithKey:(char *)fp16 value:(char *)fp20;
@interface MailMessage:Object
MailHeaders *myHeaders;
char *myBody;
int myBodyLength;
int myVmemLength;
Text *myBodyText;
BOOL myIsNew;
BOOL myReadReceipt;
BOOL myIsEncrypted;
char *myAttachmentPath;
BOOL myIsRich;
+ (float)willingnessToDecode:fp16;
+ newFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16 mailbox:(char *)fp20;
+ newFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
+ formatIcon;
+ (char *)formatLabel;
+ initialize;
+ (void)setDefaultAttachmentDirectory:(char *)fp16;
+ (char *)defaultAttachmentDirectory;
+ (void)setLineLength:(int)fp16;
+ (int)lineLength;
+ (void)setEscapeFromLines:(BOOL)fp16;
+ (BOOL)escapeFromLines;
+ (void)unregisterMailClass:fp16;
+ (void)registerMailClass:fp16;
- (void)replaceSelInText:fp16;
- (void)replaceSelWithBodyInText:fp16;
- (void)replaceSelWithHeadersInText:fp16;
- (BOOL)writeToStream:(NXStream *)fp16 mailbox:(char *)fp20;
- (BOOL)readFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16 mailbox:(char *)fp20;
- (BOOL)readBodyFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16 mailbox:(char *)fp20;
- (BOOL)makeUniqueAttachmentInDirectory:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)makeFilename:(char *)fp16 directory:(char *)fp20 type:(char *)fp24;
- (void)setAttachmentPath:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)attachmentName;
- (char *)attachmentPath;
- (BOOL)writeToStream:(NXStream *)fp16 wrapAtColumn:(int)fp20;
- (BOOL)writeToStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)writeBodyToStream:(NXStream *)fp16 wrapAtColumn:(int)fp20;
- (BOOL)writeBodyToStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)writeHeadersToStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)readFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)readBodyFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)readHeadersFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)decryptUsingKey:(char *)fp16;
- (BOOL)encryptUsingKey:(char *)fp16;
- (void)setEncrypted:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)isEncrypted;
- (void)setBodyText:fp16;
- bodyText;
- (void)setBodyUsingMemoryStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (void)setBodyNoCopy:(char *)fp16 length:(int)fp20;
- (void)setBody:(char *)fp16 length:(int)fp20;
- (void)setBodyNoCopy:(char *)fp16;
- (void)setBody:(char *)fp16;
- (int)bodyLength;
- (char *)body;
- (void)setRichBody:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)isRichBody;
- (void)addReceivedByNextIfNeeded;
- (BOOL)writeHeaderKey:(char *)fp16 value:(char *)fp20 toStream:(NXStream *)fp24;
- (void)setHeaderKey:(char *)fp16 value:(char *)fp20;
- (char *)headerValueForKey:(char *)fp16;
- (void)setHeaders:fp16;
- (void)setReadReceipt:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)readReceipt;
- (void)setNew:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)isNew;
- headers;
- free;
- (void)resetBody;
- initFromFile:(const char *)fp16;
- (BOOL)loadFromFile:(const char *)fp16;
- initFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16 mailbox:(char *)fp20;
- initFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- init;
@interface MailReader:MailView
BOOL displayAllHeaders;
Font *fixedFont;
Font *boldFont;
TocMatrix *matrix;
Font *tocFont;
MailBox *mailbox;
int curMsg;
int lastRow;
char *attachDir;
float tocHeight;
float mailCellHeight;
struct unknown *undo;
BOOL validWindow;
BOOL wasVisible;
BOOL readOnly;
DPSTimedEntry *redisplayTimedEntry;
MailMessage *mailMessage;
List *printCells;
int newMessageCount;
int mimeChoice;
BOOL hasForeignAttachment;
+ newTocWindow:fp16;
+ findBestReader;
- chooseMimeAlternative:fp16;
- (void)insertDelimiter:fp16;
- (void)defaultsChanged;
- combinePartialMessages:fp16;
- extractAttachment:fp16;
- printPanel:fp16;
- textWillPrint:fp16;
- printSummary:fp16;
- unfocus:fp16;
- focus:fp16;
- toggleShowingSizes:fp16;
- toggleShowingDeletions:fp16;
- (void)setShowDeletions:(BOOL)fp16;
- toggleFlagged:fp16;
- toggleMarkedAsRead:fp16;
- (BOOL)writeSelectionToPasteboard:fp16 types:(char **)fp20;
- validRequestorForSendType:(char *)fp16 andReturnType:(char *)fp20;
- showTransferMsg:(int)fp16 to:(char *)fp20;
- findToc:(char *)fp16 order:(char)fp20;
- sortByPriority:fp16;
- sortBySize:fp16;
- sortBySubject:fp16;
- sortByName:fp16;
- sortByNumber:fp16;
- sortByDate:fp16;
- sortUsing:(SEL)fp16;
- (BOOL)changeSelectedMessageFrom:(int)fp16 to:(int)fp20;
- showMsg:(char *)fp16;
- loadSubject:(char *)fp16 from:(char *)fp20 forMsg:(int)fp24;
- (char *)from;
- replyTo:fp16;
- addPrivateUser:fp16;
- getTocHeight:(float *)fp16;
- getWindowFrame:(NXRect *)fp16;
- (char *)attachDir;
- changeFont:fp16;
- setFonts;
- newTocFont:(id *)fp16 height:(float *)fp20 sender:fp24;
- becomeFirstResponder;
- windowDidBecomeKey:fp16;
- performPrevious:fp16;
- performNext:fp16;
- performDelete:fp16;
- loadToc:fp16 atStart:(BOOL)fp20;
- transfer:fp16;
- showTransfer:fp16;
- fixSelection;
- scrollIfWasVisible;
- checkVisible;
- incorporateMail:fp16;
- newMail:fp16;
- pasteIt:fp16;
- copyToScrap;
- selectMsgId:(int)fp16;
- compact:fp16;
- restoreDraft:fp16;
- forward:fp16;
- replyAll:fp16;
- reply:fp16;
- newSender:fp16;
- newTocTitle;
- haveNewMail;
- deleteOne:fp16;
- emptyMsg:fp16;
- loadPreviousMsg:(int)fp16;
- previousMsg:fp16;
- loadNextMsg:(int)fp16 clear:(BOOL)fp20;
- nextMsg:fp16;
- undeleteMsg:fp16;
- deleteMsg:fp16;
- displayMsg:fp16;
- doubleClick:fp16;
- selectMimeAlternative:fp16;
- showPlainMessage:fp16;
- toggleShowingAllHeaders:fp16;
- redisplayMsg;
- loadMessage:(int)fp16 newMsg:(BOOL)fp20;
- loadMessage:(int)fp16 newMsg:(BOOL)fp20 withAllHeaders:(BOOL)fp24;
- mailMessage;
- (void)loadMessage:fp16 into:fp20;
- (void)loadMessage:fp16 into:fp20 headerFont:fp24 bodyFont:fp28 allHeaders:(BOOL)fp32;
- filteredHeaders;
- (void)maybeSendReadReceipt;
- (void)bundlePerform:(SEL)fp16 with:fp20;
- (void)setDisplayAllHeaders:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)displayAllHeaders;
- msgHeader;
- (int)curMsg;
- close:fp16;
- matrix;
- mailbox;
- free;
- getDefaults;
- windowDidMove:fp16;
- windowDidResize:fp16;
- getFrame:(NXRect *)fp16 height:(float *)fp20;
- splitViewDidResizeSubviews:fp16;
- splitView:fp16 getMinY:(float *)fp20 maxY:(float *)fp24 ofSubviewAt:(int)fp28;
- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)fp16;
- drawDivider:(NXRect *)fp16;
- (void)updateStatus;
- (int)newMessageCount;
- spaceDown:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)validateCommand:fp16;
- (void)setMenuTitle:(char *)fp16 ofCell:fp20;
- updateFont;
- makeKey;
- initFrame:(NXRect *)fp16;
- initTocWindow:fp16;
@interface MailReader(MailUtil)
- addMatrixView:(id *)fp16 height:(float *)fp20 font:fp24;
- adjustSubviews;
- resizeSubviews:(NXSize *)fp16 of:fp20;
- initMailFolder;
- (void)addStatusFields;
- (float)newTextView:fp16;
+ buildMailFolder;
+ getTocHeight:(float *)fp16;
+ calcWindowFrame:(NXRect *)fp16;
+ getWindowFrame:(NXRect *)fp16;
@interface TransferPanel:Super
NXBrowser *browser;
Button *transfer;
Panel *win;
Form *form;
Button *open;
Button *delete;
Button *new;
int modifyTime;
BOOL isEmpty;
+ new;
- (char *)nameFor:fp16;
- windowWillReturnFieldEditor:fp16 toObject:fp20;
- windowDidUpdate:fp16;
- (const char *)stringValue;
- text:fp16 isEmpty:(BOOL)fp20;
- show;
- loadForm:fp16;
- openIt:fp16;
- doit:fp16;
- newMbox:fp16;
- update;
- windowDidBecomeKey:fp16;
- (int)lastModified;
- (int)_lastModified:(struct hier_mailbox *)fp16 parentDir:(char *)fp20;
- (int)browser:fp16 fillMatrix:fp20 inColumn:(int)fp24;
// - (struct hier_mailbox *)mailboxes:(BOOL)fp16;
- delete:fp16;
- open:fp16;
- (char *)selectedMailboxPath;
- transfer:fp16;
- setNew:fp16;
- setDelete:fp16;
- setOpen:fp16;
- setForm:fp16;
- setWin:fp16;
- setTransfer:fp16;
- setBrowser:fp16;
- rm:(char *)fp16;
@interface WrapCell:TextFieldCell
- setTextAttributes:fp16;
@interface MimeFilter:Object
- (void)filterDisplayText:fp16;
@interface MimeMessage:MailMessage
char *myMimeEncoding;
char *myMimeType;
char *myMimeSubtype;
MimeParameters *myMimeParameters;
id myBodyObject;
BOOL myBodyObjectOwner;
char *myBodyFile;
BOOL myBodyFileOwner;
NXRTFD *myConversionRTFD;
List *myConversionList;
+ (char *)_makeBoundary;
+ (void)setWrite8BitText:(BOOL)fp16;
+ (BOOL)write8BitText;
+ (void)setAutoAlternative:(BOOL)fp16;
+ (BOOL)autoAlternative;
+ (void)setMissingAttachmentString:(char *)fp16;
+ (char *)missingAttachmentString;
+ (char *)versionString;
+ formatIcon;
+ (float)willingnessToDecode:fp16;
+ initialize;
- (void)replaceSelWithBodyInText:fp16;
- _convertListToRTFD:fp16;
- (BOOL)writeToStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)writeBodyToStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)writeBodyToStream:(NXStream *)fp16 usingEncoding:(char *)fp20;
- (BOOL)writeToStream:(NXStream *)fp16 withMimeVersion:(BOOL)fp20;
- (BOOL)writeHeadersToStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)writeHeadersToStream:(NXStream *)fp16 withMimeVersion:(BOOL)fp20;
- (void)addMimeHeadersWithMimeVersion:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)writeHeaderKey:(char *)fp16 value:(char *)fp20 toStream:(NXStream *)fp24;
- (char *)_decodedMimeHeaderValue:(char *)fp16;
- (void)_chooseBestEncodingAndCharsetIfText;
- (BOOL)writeBase64:(char *)fp16 length:(int)fp20 toStream:(NXStream *)fp24;
- (BOOL)writeQuotedPrintable:(char *)fp16 length:(int)fp20 toStream:(NXStream *)fp24;
- (BOOL)readBodyFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)readBase64BodyFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)readQuotedPrintableBodyFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)readBinaryBodyFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (void)setHeaders:fp16;
- (BOOL)isRichBody;
- (BOOL)saveBodyToFile:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)tmpBodyFile:(BOOL)fp16;
- (char *)bodyFileIn:(char *)fp16;
- (void)setBodyText:fp16;
- (void)setBodyObject:fp16;
- (void)setBodyObjectFromList:fp16;
- (void)setBodyObjectFromSound:fp16;
- (void)setBodyObjectFromImage:fp16;
- (void)setBodyObjectFromString:fp16;
- (void)setBodyObjectFromText:fp16;
- (void)_setBodyObjectFromRichText:fp16;
- (BOOL)rtfCommand:(char *)fp16 arg:(int)fp20 input:(NXStream *)fp24 output:(NXStream *)fp28;
- (void)_setBodyObjectFromPropertyList:fp16;
- bodyObject;
- (void)_setBodyObject:fp16 isMine:(BOOL)fp20;
- (void)setMimeTypeFromFile:(char *)fp16;
- (struct unknown7 *)_mimeTypeMap;
- (struct unknown7 *)_readMimeTypeMap:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)isAudioBasicBody;
- (char *)mimeParameterValueForKey:(char *)fp16;
- (void)setMimeParameter:(char *)fp16 value:(char *)fp20;
- mimeParameters;
- (char *)mimeSubtype;
- (char *)mimeType;
- (void)setMimeType:(char *)fp16 andSubtype:(char *)fp20;
- (char *)mimeEncoding;
- (void)setMimeEncoding:(char *)fp16;
- (NXStream *)encodeMimeBody;
- decodeBody;
- decodeImageBody;
- decodeAudioBody;
- decodeTextBody;
- decodeMultipartBody;
- (SEL)findMethod:(char *)fp16 using:(struct MimeCoderMap *)fp20 warn:(char *)fp24;
- (BOOL)encodeString:(char *)fp16 charset:(char *)fp20;
- (BOOL)decodeString:(char *)fp16 charset:(char *)fp20;
- (BOOL)_processMimeHeaders:fp16;
- free;
- init;
- (char *)_parseMimeToken:(char **)fp16 until:(char *)fp20 lower:(BOOL)fp24;
@interface MimeRichText:Text
int mimeFontTraits;
float mimeFontSize;
BOOL mimeUnderlining;
BOOL mimeInsideComment;
int mimeFontStack[100];
int mimeFontSP;
int mimeJustificationStack[100];
int mimeJustificationSP;
float mimeIndentStep;
int mimeIndentLevel;
int mimeOutdentLevel;
int mimeExcerptLevel;
char *mimeTmpBufP;
char mimeTmpBuf[100];
BOOL mimeLastc;
BOOL mimeEatOneNl;
BOOL mimeNoFill;
- readMimeEnriched:(NXStream *)fp16;
- readMimeRichText:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (void)execCommand:(char *)fp16;
- (void)rtNoFill:(BOOL)fp16;
- (void)rtNp:(BOOL)fp16;
- (void)rtNl:(BOOL)fp16;
- (void)rtLt:(BOOL)fp16;
- (void)rtComment:(BOOL)fp16;
- (void)rtParagraph:(BOOL)fp16;
- (void)rtExcerpt:(BOOL)fp16;
- (void)rtOutdent:(BOOL)fp16;
- (void)rtIndent:(BOOL)fp16;
- (void)rtFlushRight:(BOOL)fp16;
- (void)rtFlushLeft:(BOOL)fp16;
- (void)rtCenter:(BOOL)fp16;
- (void)rtSetJustification:(BOOL)fp16 type:(int)fp20;
- (char *)_justificationStringFor:(int)fp16;
- (void)rtBigger:(BOOL)fp16;
- (void)rtSmaller:(BOOL)fp16;
- (void)rtUnderline:(BOOL)fp16;
- (void)rtItalic:(BOOL)fp16;
- (void)rtBold:(BOOL)fp16;
- (void)rtSetFont:(BOOL)fp16 style:(int)fp20;
- (char *)_fontStyleName:(int)fp16;
- (char *)readCommand:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (void)initMime;
- init;
- initFrame:(NXRect *)fp16;
- (void)expectError:(char *)fp16 found:(char *)fp20;
- (void)overflowError:(char *)fp16;
- (void)mismatchError:(char *)fp16;
@interface NextMessage:MailMessage
BOOL myTmpAttachDir;
BOOL myIsFromNext;
Text *myTmpBodyText;
+ (void)setCompressCommand:(char *)fp16;
+ (char *)compressCommand;
+ (void)setTarCommand:(char *)fp16;
+ (char *)tarCommand;
+ formatIcon;
+ (float)willingnessToDecode:fp16;
- (void)replaceSelWithBodyInText:fp16;
- (BOOL)writeToStream:(NXStream *)fp16 mailbox:(char *)fp20;
- (BOOL)readBodyFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16 mailbox:(char *)fp20;
- (BOOL)readBodyFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)readRichBodyFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)readPlainBodyFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)writeBodyToStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)writeHeadersToStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)writeHeadersToStream:(NXStream *)fp16 mailbox:(char *)fp20;
- (BOOL)writeBodyToStream:(NXStream *)fp16 wrapAtColumn:(int)fp20;
- (char *)prepareAttachmentForUuencoding;
- (BOOL)decryptUsingKey:(char *)fp16;
- (BOOL)encryptUsingKey:(char *)fp16;
- (BOOL)deztar:(NXStream *)fp16 into:(char *)fp20;
- (BOOL)enztar:(char *)fp16 into:(NXStream *)fp20;
- (BOOL)convertIndexFor:(char *)fp16 outgoing:(BOOL)fp20;
- (BOOL)convertStream:(NXStream *)fp16 toStream:(NXStream *)fp20 pattern:(char *)fp24 replacement:(char *)fp28 truncateBeforeBackslash:(BOOL)fp32 removeExtraLeftBrace:(BOOL)fp36;
- (void)resetAttachmentDirectory;
- (long)_random;
- free;
- init;
@interface RTFEnrichedConverter:Object
int myBaseFontSize;
int myFontSizeChanges;
BOOL myIsParam;
struct rtf_state myRtfState;
struct rtf_state myEnrState;
char *myEnrichedStack[1000];
char **mySP;
NXStream *myInput;
NXStream *myOutput;
BOOL myLastWasNewline;
BOOL myEatAttachmentChar;
id myDelegate;
+ (void)setDefaultFontSize:(float)fp16;
+ (float)defaultFontSize;
+ (void)setWriteRtfEnriched:(BOOL)fp16;
+ (BOOL)writeRtfEnriched;
- (void)convertFrom:(NXStream *)fp16 to:(NXStream *)fp20;
- (void)processRtfBlock;
- (void)copyRtfBlock:(char *)fp16 arg:(int)fp20;
- (void)effectuateState;
- (void)pushOrPopCommand:(char *)fp16 arg:(int)fp20;
- (void)popCommand:(char *)fp16;
- (void)pushCommand:(char *)fp16;
- (void)noteCommand:(char *)fp16;
- (char *)readToken;
- (char *)readCommandAndArg:(int *)fp16;
- (void)emitText:(char *)fp16;
- (void)emitNewline;
- (void)emitCommand:(char *)fp16 begin:(BOOL)fp20;
- (void)emitRtf:(char *)fp16 arg:(int)fp20;
- (void)endParam;
- (void)beginParam;
- delegate;
- setDelegate:fp16;
- init;
@interface RunCommand:Object
+ (int)runPipe:(char ***)fp16 withOutputTo:(NXStream *)fp20;
+ (int)runPipe:(char ***)fp16 withInputFrom:(NXStream *)fp20;
+ (int)runPipe:(char ***)fp16 withInputFrom:(NXStream *)fp20 andOutputTo:(NXStream *)fp24;
+ (int)_spawnPipe:(char **)fp16 input:(int)fp20 output:(int)fp24;
+ (int)run:(char *)fp16 withOutputTo:(NXStream *)fp20;
+ (int)run:(char *)fp16 withInputFrom:(NXStream *)fp20;
+ (int)run:(char *)fp16 withInputFrom:(NXStream *)fp20 andOutputTo:(NXStream *)fp24;
@interface MailListener:Listener
+ initialize;
- (NXRemoteMethod *)remoteMethodFor:(SEL)fp16;
- (int)performRemoteMethod:(NXRemoteMethod *)fp16 paramList:(NXParamValue *)fp20;
- (int)incorporateNewMail;
- (int)deliver:(int)fp16;
- (int)setBody:(char *)fp16 inWindow:(int)fp20;
- (int)setCc:(char *)fp16 inWindow:(int)fp20;
- (int)setSubject:(char *)fp16 inWindow:(int)fp20;
- (int)setTo:(char *)fp16 inWindow:(int)fp20;
- (int)openSend:(int *)fp16;
- (int)deliver;
- (int)setBody:(char *)fp16;
- (int)setCc:(char *)fp16;
- (int)setSubject:(char *)fp16;
- (int)setTo:(char *)fp16;
- (int)openSend;
@interface MailSpeaker:Speaker
- (int)incorporateNewMail;
- (int)deliver:(int)fp16;
- (int)setBody:(char *)fp16 inWindow:(int)fp20;
- (int)setCc:(char *)fp16 inWindow:(int)fp20;
- (int)setSubject:(char *)fp16 inWindow:(int)fp20;
- (int)setTo:(char *)fp16 inWindow:(int)fp20;
- (int)openSend:(int *)fp16;
- (int)deliver;
- (int)setBody:(char *)fp16;
- (int)setCc:(char *)fp16;
- (int)setSubject:(char *)fp16;
- (int)setTo:(char *)fp16;
- (int)openSend;
@interface Alias(PrivateUser)
- (char **)aliaslist;
- (int)aliascount;
- removeAlias:(int)fp16 from:(char *)fp20;
- addPrivateName:(char *)fp16;
- addUser:(char *)fp16 group:(char *)fp20;
- newGroup:(char *)fp16;
- addalias:(char *)fp16;
- (struct unknown8 *)newentry:(char *)fp16 member:(char *)fp20 isalias:(BOOL)fp24;
- savePrivateUsers;
- writeOne:(char *)fp16 database:(FILE *)fp20;
- initPrivateUsers;
- createAliasList;
- enumerateAliases:(void (*)())fp16;
@interface Alias(Private)
- (struct unknown8 *)getreal:(struct unknown8 *)fp16;
- (struct unknown8 *)lookup:(struct unknown8 *)fp16;
- (struct unknown8 *)getentry:(char *)fp16;
- getAliases:(struct unknown8 *)fp16 line:(char *)fp20 isAlias:(BOOL)fp24;
@interface NXBrowserCell(Util)
- setTitle:(char *)fp16 isLeaf:(BOOL)fp20;
@interface Alias(Util)
- loadAlias:(char *)fp16 matrix:fp20 descend:(BOOL)fp24;
- initialAlias:fp16 selection:(char *)fp20;
- (char *)bitmapName:(char *)fp16;
- loadbitmap:(char *)fp16;
- loadUser:(BOOL)fp16 group:(BOOL)fp20 local:(BOOL)fp24 matrix:fp28;
- (int)countUsers:(BOOL)fp16 group:(BOOL)fp20 local:(BOOL)fp24;
@interface Window(BrowserFieldEditor)
- (void)setFieldEditor:fp16;
@interface Window(EmacsFieldEditor)
- getFieldEditor:(BOOL)fp16 for:fp20;
@interface EditText(EmacsText)
- (BOOL)tryToPerform:(SEL)fp16 with:fp20;
- keyDown:(NXEvent *)fp16;
- doEmacs:(unsigned short)fp16 flags:(int)fp20;
- (int)peekForChar:(unsigned short)fp16 flags:(int)fp20;
- pageDown:(int)fp16;
- endLineDelete:(int)fp16;
- backwardCharDelete:(int)fp16;
- endLineMove:(int)fp16;
- forwardCharDelete:(int)fp16;
- startLineMove:(int)fp16;
- jumpBottom:(int)fp16;
- jumpTop:(int)fp16;
- pageUp:(int)fp16;
- backwardWordDelete:(int)fp16;
- forwardWordMove:(int)fp16;
- forwardWordDelete:(int)fp16;
- backwardWordMove:(int)fp16;
- deleteChars:(int)fp16 to:(int)fp20 up:(BOOL)fp24 cut:(BOOL)fp28;
- (BOOL)consecutiveCut;
- (void)setConsecutiveCut:(BOOL)fp16;
- yank:fp16;
@interface Text(_cache)
- (NXTextCache *)_cache;
@interface PageBuffer(MailUtil)
- loadAttach:(char *)fp16 text:fp20;
- filterInto:fp16 displayAll:(BOOL)fp20;
- (struct unknown1 *)getFilters;
- (struct unknown1 *)buildFilters;
- (struct unknown1 *)buildHash:(char *)fp16;
+ (struct unknown1 *)getMarkers;
@interface MailDriver(scroll)
- scrollForView:fp16 line:(float)fp20 size:(NXSize *)fp24;
@interface List(Message)
- sortList;
- addList:fp16;
@interface List(ToCC)
- setToCc:fp16;
@interface Send(SendDeliver)
- getPath:(char *)fp16 forAttachment:(char *)fp20;
- removeAttachmentFile:(char *)fp16;
- getTempDocumentName;
- didDeliver:(union unknown9)fp16;
- deliver:fp16;
- deliverAction:fp16;
- performDeliver:fp16;
- save:fp16;
- saveDraft:fp16;
- mailMessage;
- (BOOL)bundlePerform:(SEL)fp16 with:fp20 with:fp24;
- (BOOL)bundlePerform:(SEL)fp16 with:fp20;
- openUnsent:(char *)fp16 freeUnsent:(char *)fp20;
- (BOOL)invalidMailer;
- buildEncryptArgs;
- (int)getRecipient:(char **)fp16;
- writeLines:(NXStream *)fp16;
- getAttach:(char *)fp16 attach:(char *)fp20 tar:(char *)fp24 local:(char *)fp28;
- (BOOL)attemptOverwrite:(char *)fp16;
- makeEncrypt:(char *)fp16 from:(char *)fp20 sourceDir:(char *)fp24;
- writeLocal:(char *)fp16 mbox:fp20;
- writeText:(NXStream *)fp16;
- (BOOL)hasFrom:(NXStream *)fp16;
- writeSubjectField:(NXStream *)fp16;
- writeField:(NXStream *)fp16 field:(int)fp20;
- writeItem:(NXStream *)fp16 title:(char *)fp20 value:(char *)fp24;
- writeToList:(NXStream *)fp16 field:(int)fp20;
- (char *)expandAddressLine:(char *)fp16;
- (void)writeMimeHeaders:(NXStream *)fp16 isNextMail:(BOOL)fp20;
- writeMarker:(NXStream *)fp16 readReceipt:(BOOL)fp20;
- (BOOL)invalidTo:(int)fp16;
- (char *)errStringFor:(int)fp16 translate:(BOOL)fp20;
- (BOOL)invalidSubject;
+ sendReceipt:(char *)fp16 date:(struct tm *)fp20 from:(char *)fp24;
+ deliverMail:(char *)fp16 toList:fp20 forSender:fp24;
@interface Send(SendInit)
- initSendWindow:fp16;
- initMailSender:fp16;
- addSizeField;
- loadDefaults;
- (float)newTextView:fp16;
+ newSendWindow:fp16;
+ buildMailSender:fp16;
@interface Form(Private)
- setVisible:(float)fp16;
@interface Subprocess(Private)
- (void)showError:(char *)fp16;
- fdHandler:(int)fp16;
- childDidExit;
@interface Text(Text_Position_Extras)
- bringSelToBottom;
- bringSelToTop;
- bringSel0To:(float)fp16;
@interface Text(Text_Search_Extras)
- (int)findAll:(char *)fp16 replace:(char *)fp20 start:(int)fp24 stop:(int)fp28 sel0:(int *)fp32 selN:(int *)fp36 regExpr:(BOOL)fp40 ignoreCase:(BOOL)fp44;
- (BOOL)match:(char *)fp16 loc1:(int *)fp20 loc2:(int *)fp24 back:(BOOL)fp28;
- (int)findRegExpr:(char *)fp16 ignoreCase:(BOOL)fp20 loc1:(int *)fp24 loc2:(int *)fp28;
- (BOOL)findText:(char *)fp16 ignoreCase:(BOOL)fp20 loc1:(int *)fp24 loc2:(int *)fp28 back:(BOOL)fp32;
@interface Text(Text_Stream_Extras)
- selectionToStream:(NXStream *)fp16;
- streamToSelection:(NXStream *)fp16;
@interface Text(Text_Random_Extras)
- setSelectionAtEnd;
- (int)selectionLength;
@interface Button(PopUpUtil)
- (int)selectedPopUpRow;
- selectedPopUpItem;
- selectPopUpItemTagged:(int)fp16;
- selectPopUpItemAt:(int)fp16;
@interface Object(Logger)
- (void)logError:(const char *)fmt,...;
- (void)logWarning:(const char *)fmt,...;
- (void)logNote:(const char *)fmt,...;
@interface Text(MailHeaders)
- (void)filterSelHeaders:fp16;
- (void)replaceSelWithHeaders:fp16;
+ (void)setFilteredHeaders:fp16;
+ filteredMailHeaders;
@interface Text(MailMessage)
- (void)replaceSelWithBodyOfMessage:fp16;
- (void)replaceSelWithHeadersOfMessage:fp16;
- (void)replaceSelWithMessage:fp16;
@interface Text(NextMessage)
- (int)saveAttachTo:(char *)fp16 removeBackup:(BOOL)fp20 errorHandler:fp24;
@interface Text(TextUtils)
- replaceSelWithFile:(char *)fp16;
- addIconForDocument:(char *)fp16 icon:(char *)fp20;
- saveToFile:(char *)fp16;
- replaceSelWithTextObject:fp16;
- (BOOL)hasNonAscii;
- (BOOL)hasGraphics;
- (BOOL)hasFormatting;
- (void)getFormatting:(char *)fp16 graphics:(char *)fp20 nonAscii:(char *)fp24;
- (BOOL)sameTabs:(struct unknown0 *)fp16 as:(struct unknown0 *)fp20 count:(int)fp24;
- setRightMargin:(float)fp16;
- (float)rightMargin;
- setLeftMargin:(float)fp16;
- (float)leftMargin;
- setIndent:(float)fp16;
- (float)indent;
- setOtherIndent:(float)fp16;
- (float)otherIndent;
- setFirstIndent:(float)fp16;
- (float)firstIndent;
- setJustification:(int)fp16;
- (int)justification;
- (NXTextStyle *)textStyle;
- setSuperscript:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)superscript;
- setSubscript:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)subscript;
- setScript:(float)fp16;
- (float)script;
- setFontSize:(float)fp16;
- (float)fontSize;
- setUnderline:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)underline;
- setBold:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)bold;
- setItalic:(BOOL)fp16;
- (BOOL)italic;
- setFontBits:(int)fp16;
- reset;
- initFromFile:(const char *)fp16;
- initRTFD:(BOOL)fp16;
- initRTF:(BOOL)fp16;
- setFontBits:(int)fp16 usingMask:(int)fp20;
- (int)fontBits;
- (unsigned int)_fontTraitsOfRun:(NXRun *)fp16;
- (void *)selParaStyle;
- selFont;
- (NXRun *)runAt:(int)fp16;
- (int)runCount;
@interface NXPropertyList(InterimHack)
- copy;
@interface NXGraphicCell(MailOverride)
- (BOOL)trackMouse:(NXEvent *)fp16 inRect:(NXRect *)fp20 ofView:fp24;
- getImage:(char *)fp16;
- (BOOL)shiftTrackMouse:(NXEvent *)fp16 inRect:(NXRect *)fp20 ofView:fp24;
@interface NXRTFD(LennartDebug)
- (void)printForDebugger:(NXStream *)fp16;
@interface NXRTFD(Send)
- (unsigned int)quickSize;
@interface NXRTFD(TextUtils)
- (void)addIconsForPath:(char *)fp16;
- createUniqueKey:fp16;